
Do you think 35 percent of parenting time is enough in Illinois?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, June 19, 2012.

Many dads want equal parenting time. Yet, they find themselves stuck with just seeing their kids every other weekend, sparingly for a week night dinner — and in some cases — for a few weeks in the summer. However, the issue is no longer being brushed under the rug, and instead many states — including Illinois — are considering child custody laws that reflect a situation closer to equal parenting time.

When looking at the research behind the importance of a child having equal contact with both of their parents, as long as there aren’t situations where domestic violence or substance abuse is of concern, it turns out that children fair better when they have equal relationships with both of their parents.

According to one university psychology professor, Bill Fabricius, when a child has contact with both parents, this gives the child a sense of support. However, without that contact, the child can start to feel insecure. This in turn can create stress hormones that wind up in the bloodstream, which can lead to physical and mental health issues later on in life.

Additionally, when it comes to equal parenting, a study found this is what children actually want. In the 2005-2006 academic year more than 1,000 college students were asked about divorce and what the best arrangement is for children in terms of parenting times. From there, almost all of the students reported that equal time is best.

Right now in Illinois, a law is being considered that would award non-custodial parents with at least 35 percent of parenting time. If this became state statute, this would mean that judges would no longer just rely on what many reportedly consider standard visitation: every other weekend and alternating one dinner once every other week.

But what do you think of a law that would allow parents to have a minimum of 35 percent parenting time in Illinois? Should this be passed? Is 35 percent enough?

Source: The Republic, “Arizona dad fights for rights of divorced fathers,” Alia Beard Rau, June 16, 2012

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